Keshawa (KC) Senaratne
Senior Safety Engineer
KC is a highly experienced and qualified senior safety engineer with extensive experience.
About KC:
Specialties / USP as an engineer:
Competency in full spectrum of the most demanding of compliances: functional safety, hazardous areas, electrical controls design, EMC and export compliances (incl. CE, ATEX, NFPA/UL, CSA, DIN and CCC). KC has a strong ability to relate to process functionality and business improvements.
KC’s qualifications include:
BEng Hons. Electrical (Canterbury)
Certified Functional Safety Application Expert-SGS-TÜV Saar
EX C&D – Aus. Unit Standards (Certificate 5497790-3769348)
MMS Hons. Strategy (Waikato)
MEngNZ (Engineering NZ)
Experienced in:
- Most recently the electrical engineering team lead / lead engineer at GEA Avapac.
- Industrial experience in turn-key solutions, machinery design and build, automation solutions, baggage handling, power generation, etc.
- Extensive knowledge in functional safety, electrical design and export compliances (Europe, US, and other) of machinery.
- Qualified in hazardous area classification & design (Unit standards UEENEEE 015B, 071B, 052A-058A).
- Own businesses in field of electronics, technology, education and research.
What attracted KC to TEG Risk?
‘TEG Risk’s team consists of high-calibre experts from a wide range of backgrounds, that are fully qualified in safety with vast experience in all areas of the industry. It is clear that TEG Risk promotes the ongoing learning and upskilling of employees, which attracted me to the organisation in the first instance. It is also apparent that TEG Risk is engaged in the development of new technologies to improve their work and service offering.
TEG Risk’s extensive portfolio of past projects demonstrated the scope and capability of the business and team, where a professional and methodical approach is applied with a high attention to detail.
I’m delighted to collaborate with the TEG Risk Team and to work with clients to find them the best solution – which is not easy but so important, when it comes to safety.‘
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